Libby Montana News - April 2023

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(25 pictures) Eureka Rendezvous Days (April 30, 2023)
David Thompson Black Powder Shoot
Eureka held its annual Rendezvous Days over the weekend of April 28-30, with the signature David Thompson Black Powder Shoot one of the many activities offered during the event. As of Saturday afternoon, 71 participants had registered for the shoot. ... FULL STORY
(31 pictures) Eureka Rendezvous Days (April 30, 2023)
Eureka held its 44th annual Rendezvous Days over the weekend of April 28-30 with beautiful springtime weather. The parade was held on Saturday, April 29, in downtown Eureka, with special entries by the Whitefish Winter Carnival group from Whitefish and the Mon ... FULL STORY
(6 pictures) Libby Loggers Baseball Camp (April 30, 2023)
Libby Loggers Baseball held a baseball/softball youth camp for ages 4 to 12 Saturday, April 29, at Lee Gehring Field. The field was a busy place during the morning hours as a record turnout of 120 campers worked on their skills on a beautiful spring day. ... FULL STORY
Public meeting about MT 37 Bridge Preservation project April 27 in Eureka (April 21, 2023)
Planned improvements on 11 bridges between Libby and Eureka
by Montana Department of Transportation
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Forsgren Associates are inviting the public to learn more about planned improvements on 11 bridges on Montana Highway 37 (MT 37) between Libby and Eureka. ... FULL STORY
Rockfall Stability Project starting on US Highway 2 (April 21, 2023)
MDT announces road work near Libby this summer
by Montana Department of Transportation
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), in partnership with Hi-Tech Rockfall, announces a maintenance project occurring 12 miles west of Libby on US Highway 2 (US 2) this summer 2023. Construction will include rock scaling and installation of rockfall ... FULL STORY
(15 pictures)
Masters Under the Big Sky
Disc Golf Tournament
(April 16, 2023)
Sponsored by Innova
by Maggie Craig
Ninety players signed up (and 88 played) for the Masters Under the Big Sky disc golf tournament held at the Timber Beast Disc Golf Course in Troy on Saturday, April 15. The weather was perfect for the tournament for the masters-age (40 and up) players. ... FULL STORY
(33 pictures) Libby Christian Church Easter Egg Hunt (April 9, 2023)
Libby Christian Church held its annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning, April 8, on the church grounds. An early rain storm had cleared up by late morning, providing cool but dry egg hunting. Thousands of plastic eggs filled with candy awaited kids ages 1-12 ... FULL STORY
(1 pictures) Lincoln County Credit Union becomes a Lifetime Partner to The Heritage Museum (April 1, 2023)
by The Heritage Museum
Maggie Harmon (right), Membership Chair for The Heritage Museum, presented a Lifetime Partner Membership Certificate to Lindsay Beaty (left), President at Lincoln County Credit Union. ... FULL STORY
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