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Libby Dam Sturgeon Operations 2010 - Conditions Update - 06/02/10
by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Libby Dam
June 2, 2010

• Reservoir elevation is sufficient to provide 5 kcfs of spill, need to be at 2,420' to spill 10 kcfs, with at least 35 kcfs inflow or enough buffer to sustain full powerhouse flow and spill of up to 10 kcfs for up to 7 days. Reservoir inflow remains slightly higher than outflow, resulting in very small increases in forebay elevation (currently 2,419'+).
• Forebay temperature stratification has resumed over the past several days, though still remains cool and unstable.
• Outflow temperature and Bonners Ferry temp has fluctuated over the past several days correspondent to weather and forebay conditions, but remains cool.
• 12 of 18 rows of selective withdrawal gates have now been installed; 1 additional row will be placed this week. Gates are being placed conservatively to offset the effects of the weather events and increasing reservoir elevation while also positioning Libby Dam to respond with temperature management via gate placement when conditions become acceptable to commence the sturgeon operation.
• As of June 1, there are 10 sonic-tagged adult white sturgeon near Ambush Rock; 1 male and 9 F4 females (expected to spawn this year).
• Based on the commencement criteria defined in the Montana TDG Waiver, and the environmental and biological variables related to that waiver, spill will begin no earlier than June 8, and is most likely to commence prior to 14 June.
• Conditions change frequently and somewhat unpredictably, so please appreciate this reality and keep expectations reasonable.

For more information contact:
Greg Hoffman
Fishery Biologist
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Kootenai River - Libby Dam
Office: 406-293-7751 x 255
Cellular: 406-283-1090

Related Links
  • 2010 Sturgeon - Reservoir - April 1-June 30, 2010
  • ">2010 Sturgeon – Kootenai River and Koocanusa Reservoir - April 1-June 30, 2010
  • LibbyMt.com > News > June 2010 > Libby Dam Sturgeon Operations 2010 - Conditions Update - 06/02/10
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