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Kootenai NF Schedule of Proposed Actions released
April 10, 2006

The Kootenai National Forest has released their Spring 2006 edition of the quarterly Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA). The public is encouraged to review the projects and make comments, suggestions and provide site-specific information about projects. Giving input early in the planning stage helps forest managers make better decisions. The Kootenai SOPA are published on the Forest’s website in January, April, July and October. Comments can also be made via e-mail at jgubel@fs.fed.us or by contacting John Gubel, Forest Environmental Coordinator, at 406-293-6211.

Below are some of the projects listed in the Spring 2006 SOPA:
Mighty Fine Placer Claim Exploration
Involves exploration in the Libby Creek Placer deposit. A series of sample pits is proposed. Opening an old spur road for approximately 1,000 feet is required. Water would be pumped from Libby Creek for sluicing. Libby Ranger District. LEGAL - SW 1/4, NE 1/4, Section 11
and NW 1/4, SE 1/4 Section 11, T27N, R31W. Libby Creek. Current Planning Status: Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start: 04/2006. Decision Expected:10/2006. Expected Implementation: 11/2006. For more information contact: Bobbie Lacklen, 406-293-7773. lhagarty@fs.fed.us.

Montanore Project
The Kootenai National Forest, in conjunction with Montana's Dept. of Environmental Quality will prepare an EIS for a proposal to permit the development of the Montanore silver/copper mine and associated power transmission line by Mines Management Inc. Libby Ranger District. LEGAL - T26N, R29W, S 5,8, 9; T27N, R29W, S 18-20, 29, 30, 32; T27, R30W, S 16-24; T28N, R30W, S19; T27N, R31W, S 1-3, 9, 11-15; T28N, R31W, S 13-15, 23, 24, 26, 35, 36; T27N, R31W, S 29. . Approximately 18 miles south of Libby, MT adjacent to the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. The surface mill would be located in the Ramsey Creek drainage. Decision Expected: Expected:09/2007. Expected Implementation: 12/2007. Contact for more information: Bobbie Lacklen, 406-293-7773, blacklen@fs.fed.us. Website with more information about this project: http://fs.fed.us/r1/kootenai/projects/projects/montanore/

Prospect Hill Mineral Exploration/Prospect Hill Access
Mineral exploration Plan of Operation, and special use request for access. Includes opening a closed road, construction of approximately 1.5 miles of new road, and reopening two closed mine portals. Decision Expected: 06/2006. Expected Implementation: 09/2006. Location Libby Ranger District. LEGAL - R30N, R31W, Sections 29, 32, and 33. Prospect Hill. Contact for more information about this project: Lynn Hagarty, 406-283-7502, lhagarty@fs.fed.us

West Kootenai Fire Protection Special Use Permit
Special use permit for 0.4 acres of NFS land to construct a building to house fire engines, with a meeting room. Permittee to drill a well with drain field. Construction requires removing of approx 15 trees of various sizes. Rexford Ranger District. LEGAL - T37N, R27W, NWSECTION 13. The property is on the west side of Koocanusa Reservoir and is bounded by the West Kootenai Road (#474) to the west ,Young Creek Bay Road (#7176) on the North and East, and private land to the south. Decision Expected: 05/2006. Expected Implementation: 06/2006. Contact for more information: Eric Heyn, 406-296-2536 x7126, eheyn@fs.fed.us.

Snipetown Plan of Operations
Proposal for panning and dredging along the Yaak River. Three Rivers Ranger District. LEGAL - T33N, R33W, Section 19. Lower Yaak River. Decision Expected:05/2006. Expected Implementation: 07/2006. Contact for more information: Dick Harlow, 406-295-4693, dharlow@fs.fed.us.

Troy Shooting Range
Approve a special use permit for a developed shooting range in Troy, MT. Three Rivers Ranger District. LEGAL - T31N, R32W or T32N, R34W. Surprise Gulch or South Side Road. Decision Expected: 05/2006. Expected Implementation: 07/2006. Contact for more information: Kathy Mohar, 406-295-7426, kmohar@fs.fed.us.

Related Links:
Spring Kootenai 2006 SOPA
Kootenai National Forest

LibbyMt.com > News > April 2006 > Kootenai NF Schedule of Proposed Actions released
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